Last Tuesday, 3 actors from ETC (English Theatre Company) visited us and showed a funny play. These dynamic actors made us laugh for an hour at the Cinéma les Loisirs in Saint-Mard. They were not alone on stage : some of our students got on stage and participated to the show. Most of them did it with great pleasure.
Four different levels attended the performance with their teachers : the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th and the 6th classes were present at the play.
Here are a few comments from our students after the show :
“Time goes very fast ! It was funny !”
“The back flip was amazing : Alois made us laugh a lot.”
“Thank you for the good vibe and your energy !”
“It was original and funny ! Good performance ! Good idea to make students go on stage !”
“Bonne ambiance même si c’est pas toujours facile de se concentrer pour tout comprendre …”
“I have understood everything !”
“C’était super bien, j’ai kiffé même si j’ai pas tout compris (rien) car je suis nul en anglais !”
“Très bon spectacle, captivant, cool !”
“You keep the audience entertained ! Really nice and funny !”
And if you want to follow the actors on social nets : see picture