Ce mercredi 29 janvier, les élèves du 2e et 3e degré assisteront à une représentation théâtrale dans le cadre de leur cours d’anglais.
Au programme :
- de 9h20 à 10h30 (5e-6e) : Serendipity : une ode au plaisir d’apprendre et de découvrir. : Our hero Tom is a bright, lazy, popular 14 year old who wants to do well in school, always provided that he does as little work as possible. School just interrupts the important things in his life: his friends, sports, games, music etc. As he says “there are just too many things to do to spend much time studying. Do the maths”.One day something happens that makes him discover, to his astonishment, that learning can not only be useful as all the teachers keep telling him but it can also be fun.
- de 11h à 12h00 (3e-4e) : Not one of us : une comédie hilarante autour d’un sujet difficile, l’intolérance. : Jack is a new boy at school and he is odd. There is no getting away from it. It’s true. Jack is very odd, strange, peculiar, weird. He is not like any of the other kids at all. He dresses differently, has a different cultural base. He thinks differently too. It’s as if he’s from a different age with different values. He does not fit in at all. Not One of Us looks at Jack’s first week at school and how two major cultural difference (Jack’s and everyone else’s) clash and how they work things out.

Ces deux pièces dynamiques et didactiques, présentées par l’ETC (English Theatre Company), seront entièrement jouées dans la langue de Shakespeare.
L’occasion pour nos élèves de mettre en pratique leurs connaissances de manière différente.